I get it, you are a savvy candidate, so you know that the market leans in your favor right now.
Right now.
Things change. Think of the long-term. Consider paying your dues as demonstrating that they hired the right person, even if it takes a few weeks. You don’t have to be in movies to be a star, and bragging about what you bring to the table will serve you better than reducing yourself to a minimum pay rate or daily schedule.
My favorite entry-level job was one I had while in college. I landed the role by focusing on why it made sense to hire me. When I saw a help wanted ad in the local paper for a part-time job at the local movie theater, I applied promptly and in person. My love of movies and theaters was evident in every part of my interview with the manager. I needed to work, because my future wife and I had just moved into our first apartment. I had bills to pay. I wanted to enjoy my work, at least sometimes.
My list of demands was very short—to work at the movie theater. I was paid the hourly minimum wage for 1992, which was $4.25. I threaded the projector (look it up, kids), took tickets, checked the thermostats, and cleaned up after the crowd left. I wore a clip-on bowtie. I saw My Cousin Vinny 12 times in two weeks.
Since then, I entered every interview knowing I had to provide enough reasons to hire me so there was no doubt that I was the right person. In hindsight, I may have focused too much on why they should hire me and not enough on making sure it was the right opportunity for me. But when I had the opportunity to learn more about the position and the company, I knew what I needed to be happy, or at least comfortable. Treat me fairly, let me take time off occasionally, and recognize when I do a good job. For thirty years, this approach has served me well.
“I am looking for work, and I need to make at least fifty thousand dollars per year, with a minimum of three days per week allowed for remote work. Also, I want to stay within the west or northwest county area. I need at least 2 weeks of paid time off, and I need to leave by 3:30pm every Friday.”
This is a real example of some of the calls and emails hiring managers receive regularly (mildly exaggerated). Can you spot what is missing?
If your answer is “no” to this question, and you are struggling in your job search or even in your current role, you might want to reconsider your approach. Try leading with what you bring to the table. Try starting with the justification for your requirements. Your enthusiasm for the position should be genuine. No one wants to hear how “excited” you are for the job. Believe me when I tell you that the interviewer has heard this before. They want to hear why you would be a good fit for their job.
Are you looking for a new opportunity? We can help you land your next starring role! Reach out to Snelling Talent Partners today and nail your next audition!